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Embracing "Gezellig": A Journey of Warmth and Togetherness in the Netherlands by Mariama Fisher

16 juli 2023


Stepping into a new country is like entering a labyrinth of language and culture, each offering a unique array of experiences. As an American living in the Netherlands, I found myself immersed in a world where intriguing words and phrases swirled around me. I felt almost like a detective, always trying to decipher the meaning and gain the essence of the word. Finding out the meaning behind a word always made it more fun and engaging for me to learn what it was about. Among these linguistic treasures, one word stood out: "gezellig" It was actually one of the first words I ever learned here. I recall always getting different definitions and responses from friends when I would ask, but people always told me that this word was very hard to explain. Me personally, I always got the sense of an overwhelming sense of warmth, togetherness, and contentment attached to this word. It is a word that just does not exist in English. It is uniquely Dutch in that way.

Discovering Gezellig

Upon my arrival in the Netherlands, I was quickly taken aback by the overall vibe of the this country. From visiting a big city like Amsterdam to living in my little village of 800 in Noord-Brabant, I quickly realized that the Dutch have mastered the art of feeling cozy and creating inviting atmospheres. Perhaps this is part of the reason why they thought to turn this feeling into a word. Coming from a busy city in California, I was intrigued and fell in love with the lovely farm homes and cows grazing. The quaint spots to grab a coffee or a beer. Seeing friends mingle on a  terrace. Gezellig soon became a word I encountered frequently, and yet I still wasn’t completely sure how or when I was to use it. Translated literally, it means "cozy" or "pleasant," but its true essence extends far beyond its direct definition.

Gezellig: More Than Just Cozy

Gezellig, often simplified as "cozy," fails to capture the full breadth and depth of its meaning. While cozy conjures images of comfort and relaxation, gezellig paints a broader picture. It is a beautiful word that tells a story. Gezellig is an experience more than anything. An experience I try to give all my students in my classroom.

Embracing the Gezellig Experience

The beauty of gezellig lies in its experiential nature. It is not a word to be defined, but rather a sensation to be felt or an experience to be held. It manifests itself in various aspects of Dutch life, enriching everyday encounters and creating lasting memories. Let's explore some instances where gezellig reveals its true essence:

Unplanned Prolonged Connections

Gezellig extends beyond individual experiences to encompass the collective. It is embedded in Dutch culture, where community and familial bonds are cherished, prioritized, and nurtured. From vibrant neighborhood markets to lively festivals and gezellige cafes people share a sense of togetherness and fun And from gezellige dinners around the dining table to gezelligheid-filled celebrations the Netherlands fosters an environment where people come together, celebrating life's simple pleasures. This spirit of gezellig is meant to be shared with those all around you.

Gezellig blossoms when time seems to slip away unnoticed. Picture meeting a new friend for a casual lunch that unexpectedly transforms into an enchanting conversation lasting hours. Gezellig is the magical ambiance that weaves through those moments, forging bonds and leaving a permanent mark on our hearts.

Welcoming Warmth

Perhaps one of the most remarkable facets of gezellig is its ability to make one feel at home, even in unfamiliar surroundings. It is when my Dutch in-laws opened their arms and hearts, enveloping me in a sense of belonging and acceptance, even though to them I was still a stranger. Gezellig erases the feeling of being an outsider and creates a joint connection that transcends national boundaries. A connection that can be felt when you walk through the doors of STE Languages receiving a warm welcome from the receptionist and making new meaningful connections with your fellow students and instructor.

The Power of Gezellig in Language Learning

As I embarked on my language learning journey at STE Languages,both as an instructor and student, I discovered the pivotal role of gezellig in creating a positive environment for learning. The second I start my lessons, I make sure all students feel at ease by carefully planning a lesson that is not only educational, but also fun! This already makes for a more lighthearted atmosphere, in which gezelligheid can really flourish. The school, with its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, embodies the spirit of gezellig, making students feel at ease and encouraging interaction with fellow learners. Through gezellig language exchanges, group activities, and engaging classes, STE Languages fosters a sense of community, making language learning an enjoyable and enriching experience.

Gezellig Beyond the Borders

While the word gezellig finds its roots in Dutch culture, its universal appeal goes beyond geographical boundaries. As an American in the Netherlands, I found comfort in embracing gezellig, both in my interactions with locals and fellow expatriates. The concept of creating warm and inviting environments is something that can be appreciated and adopted worldwide, fostering a sense of belonging and connectedness.


In the Netherlands, gezellig represents far more than just a word. It captures the essence of Dutch culture, emphasizing warmth, togetherness, and contentment. From the simple pleasures of shared moments with loved ones to the thriving gezellig atmosphere at language schools like STE Languages, embracing gezellig enriches our lives and creates lasting memories. So, let's raise a glass to the power of gezellig and embrace its magic wherever our journeys take us.

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