Pouriya Jalalipour

“I would like to win prizes for the Dutch team”

23 february 2024

For many students, language training at STE Languages is a springboard to a new life. This also applies to Pouriya Jalalipour, who fled from Iran to the Netherlands. In 2021 he shared his story in an interview. Even then, ambition was evident, because Pouriya is an enthusiastic archer. He is now officially Dutch Champion, so it's high time for a good conversation.

Pouriya, nice to meet you again. How are you?

“Good! I have a nice home in Eindhoven with my mother. I exercise a lot, play the guitar and piano, make wood carvings and have my own YouTube channel. I am also busy looking for a job.”

Let's start with sport. In 2021 you expressed the ambition to represent the Dutch Paralympic team. What is the current situation?

“The prospects are good. I now meet all the conditions set for integration. I just have to wait until I am officially granted Dutch nationality, which will take a few months. In the summer of 2024 I can then represent the Netherlands at the European Championships.”


You have already achieved individual success. For example, you won the Paralympic Dutch Archery Championship on a 70-metre outdoor range. What is the secret of your success?

“Archery is an event of body and mind. Drawing the bow takes a lot of strength. My bow weighs 21 kilos, so you need strong arms. At the same time, you must be mentally calm and focused. Only when there is a balance between the mental and the physical can you be successful.”

What do you do to stay in shape?

“I go to the gym on average 3 to 4 days a week. If the weather permits, I take my wheelchair to OGIO, an association of archers in Eindhoven, three times a week. All in all, I spend about 20 hours a week trying to stay in shape.”

What are your expectations for the European Championship?

“I estimate my chances good, also because I know I can do better. A good trainer encourages you to get the most out of yourself, but unfortunately I don't have a trainer at the moment. There are few trainers for paralympic archers in the Netherlands, and certainly not in Eindhoven. There is a trainer in Almere, but to get there I need a car. I can't buy that until I find a job, so that's a priority now.”

What is your background and what kind of job are you looking for?

“I took a university IT course in Iran. I specialize in web design and digital marketing. I hope to find a job in that field, or at least a place to gain work experience where I can express my graphic creativity in designing web pages and developing websites.”

You now use your digital skills, but for your YouTube channel. Can you tell us more about that?

“My YouTube channel is called PoooWiiiin. I share my experiences about living with a disability. In 2010 I suffered a spinal cord injury and have been in a wheelchair ever since. With my videos, I want to help others with practical tips and motivation. I not only focus on people in wheelchairs, but also on the environment. For example, I explain how you can easily make contact with someone who is in a wheelchair. That helps enormously, because people with disabilities often have little self-confidence. That is understandable, because it is very intense if you are unexpectedly struck by a spinal cord injury. With my videos I hope to help people get their lives back on track.”

Getting on with your life is a lot easier if you speak the language. You learned Dutch at STE Languages. How did you like that?

“Excellent! The people were nice and I felt welcome. STE has good teachers and for me this is the best language school in the city. Moreover, I could access the school just fine with my wheelchair.”

The language training is now more than a year ago. What do you do to maintain your language skills?

“I watch Dutch TV and always try to speak Dutch. I want to further improve my language level, but I notice that it is difficult. As soon as possible, I would like to take another language training course.”

What is your dream for the future?

“I would like to set up a foundation to help people with disabilities. The facilities in the Netherlands are good, but there are also many countries where people with disabilities do not get the help they need. It would be great if others joined the foundation so that we could help people together, for example by sourcing a wheelchair.”

That’s great. Do you also have a sporting dream?

“Of course! I would like to win prizes for the Dutch team! Hopefully we will be able to hire a trainer again, then a lot is still possible. Then I actually need a new competition bow, because without good equipment it is difficult to perform. I hope to find sponsors for this.”

Interested to find out about how Pouriya Jalalipour is doing? You can follow him via Facebook and Instagram.

Pouriya has started a fundraising campaign for a new longbow. If you also want to make a contribution, see https://gofund.me/151db3d8.


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