Civic Integration

Civic Integration and State Exams

Is it obligatory for you to integrate into the Netherlands? Would you perhaps like to study for an MBO, HBO or university degree? Or do you want to apply for a permanent residence permit as an expat? If so, you will need to successfully complete an Integration Exam or State Exam. STE Languages ​​offers special exam training so that you can be optimally prepared for any of these.

If you would like information on this please fill in the contact form provided or call us on +31 (0)40 245 28 60.


Civic Integration Exam or State Exam?

The Dutch government has determined that everyone in the Netherlands must be able to speak, understand, read and write at a minimum of an B1 level in Dutch as from 1 January 2022. All students preparing for their integration exams (Inburgering) at STE Languages and who have received their status before January 2022 fall under the old Civic Integration Act. The minimum Dutch language level to be acquired is A2. The Civic Integration Exam has therefore been developed in order to test the language level of people integrating who need to reach this level.

People who want to study at an MBO institution currently need a B1 level. They must pass Programme I of the State Exam. People studying at higher professional educational institutions or Dutch universities are expected to have a B2 level. To show that they possess this level, they will need to pass Programme II of the State Exam.

The Civic Integration and State Exams are organized by the Education Executive Agency (DUO). An overview of our programme can be found here.


State Exams I and II

Language trainers at STE Languages ​​can thoroughly prepare you for the State Exams I and/or II. You can participate in the training sessions in either groups or individually. The learning trajectory consists of modules of fifteen lessons. You can start the course at your own level and can then continue on to the desired level. This course is followed by special exam training which has an emphasis on practice for various mock exams.

The programme is designed for secondary and higher-educated students. Those who opt for group lessons have the option of choosing from five start dates within the year and courses are held at students’ own levels. Click here for start dates of the group lessons and exam training. Would you prefer to attend individual lessons? If so, please click here for more information.


Civic Integration Exam

During this particular course attention is paid to all parts of the Civic Integration Exam:

  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM)


During the course you will be able to practice by carrying out writing and listening exercises. Your text comprehension will improve and so will your language skills. Click here for the Civic Integration Exam training course start dates.

Click here for an overview of our competitively fees and prices.

Students can choose between three exams: Civic Integration, NT2 Program I of the State Exam or NT2 Program II of the State Exam. STE Languages can prepare you for these exams by means of increasing your language level or through specific exam training. Training courses are given at STE Languages. STE Languages has 16 well-equipped classrooms at its location in Eindhoven. Lessons are Face-to-Face or Online. In unforeseen circumstances, a Face-to-Face lesson can be attended via our Online Classroom.
Books and course materials are provided in the first lesson. Students must take into account that 2-4 hours of homework per lesson is necessary to complete the course. In order for us to determine students starting levels and personal learning goals, each STE Languages training course will start with an individual intake interview.
The training courses for the Civic Integration Exam, the NT2 Program I of the State Exam and the NT2 Program II of the State Exam all prepare you for these exams. A starting level of at least A2 is required for the Civic Integration Exam. In addition to language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM) is also central to the Civic Integration Exam. The target level of the Program I (MBO level) State Examination is B1 and the target level of the Program II State Examination is B2. Knowledge of the Dutch Labour Market (ONA) is part of both the Civic Integration and State Examinations. The aim of these training courses is for students to pass their exams successfully.
The price for this course is EUR 795.00 for 30 hours and intake costs of EUR 55.00 are also added. The price for NT2-I and NT2-II State Exams is EUR 480.00 for 16 hours. Course material and handouts are charged at approximately EUR 85.00.
After completion of the training course students will receive a Certificate.

Get started right away with our training courses

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  • Optimal and personal preparation for the State exams (I and II)

  • The most effective route to passing the Civic Integration Exam

  • Attention to Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM)

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