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STE Languages has received the two-yearly Cedeo “Business Training” accreditation

10 october 2023

STE Languages has received the two-yearly Cedeo “Business Training” accreditation with a very good result: 96.3% of our customers/clients found our services “good to very good”. How great that is! And worth a special mention: we have exactly the same score as in the previous survey in 2021. We thank our STE Languages team and language trainers for their contribution to this fantastic result!

This designation is a highly valued recognition of quality, continuity, and business orientation in the training market. Every 2 years, Cedeo, an independent training quality organization, conducts a customer satisfaction survey among STE Languages customers. We have achieved a score that puts us well above the average in the market and the standard set by Cedeo.

Needless to say, we are very happy with the results achieved.

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