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Microlearning Spanish added to the product & services portfolio

21 august 2023

Aquí hay nuestros microlearning Españoles. STE Languages is in the process of further optimizing its online product & services portfolio for its international students and clients. In addition to e-learning and podcasts, students can now also use micro-learning in various languages. Micro-learning Spanish has recently been added to the portfolio. After Mandarin Chinese, Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the world. Because little English is spoken in Spanish-speaking countries, a good command of the Spanish language is essential.
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‘Offering future prospects through language and work’

9 august 2023

Those who have to flee from war not only leave home and hearth behind but are also forced to build a new life. In Eindhoven, three parties have joined forces to help refugee Ukrainians. The Municipality of Eindhoven, three employers (AVT Wiring & Connecting, Team Duurzaam and Ergon) and STE Languages together ensure that people are not only guided to work, but also learn the Dutch language. What is special about this is that the language training takes place in the workplace.
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